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VMware Compliance Checker for PCI
Compliance Checker for Payment Card Industry

VMware Compliance Checker is a free downloadable product based on VMware vCenter™ Configuration Manager features that checks the compliance of systems in your IT infrastructure against specific standards and best practices applicable to your environment. Compliance Checker should be a part of your strategy to ensure that your environment remains secure and compliant.

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Key Benefits

The compliance results are presented by machine and by each specific PCI DSS v1. 2 requirement.
The compliance results are presented by machine and by each specific PCI DSS v1. 2 requirement.

What Is VMware Compliance Checker for PCI DSS v1.2?

VMware Compliance Checker should be downloaded by all organizations that handle cardholder data, to assess and report on the security and compliance of machines processing payment card data against PCI DSS v1.2 rules. Compliance Checker for PCI DSS v1.2 provides a real-time compliance check for multiple Microsoft Windows servers and desktops. It produces a detailed summary of the requirements that are met and those that are not. This summary can be used to drive a remediation/mitigation strategy and prepare for audits.

Organizations face increasing scrutiny when adhering to Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliance. Fines and penalties have increased dramatically for systems that are not in compliance. According to VISA, 42 percent of large and medium-size U.S. merchants do not reach their respective PCI DSS compliance deadlines. Organizations continue to rely on manual assessment methods for PCI DSS audits that require significant IT resources, from preparation to execution. Manually checking systems against PCI DSS requirements is a time-consuming and error-prone process.

How Does VMware Compliance Checker for PCI DSS v1.2 Work?

Compliance Checker for PCI DSS v1.2 downloads to a Windows desktop. The intuitive Web-based interface requires little or no learning curve. Simply point the product to the Windows machines (virtual or physical) that you want to test compliance against. The resultant compliance report provides a detailed ruleby-rule indication of pass or failure. When compliance problems are found, users are directed to a detailed knowledge base for an explanation of the rule violated and advice on remediation.

How is Compliance Checker for PCI DSS v1.2 Used?

Key Features


Download the VMware Compliance Checker for PCI Datasheet (PDF).