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VMware Tanzu Service Mesh
Enterprise-class service mesh

VMware Tanzu Service Mesh

At A Glance

What is Tanzu Service Mesh?

Connect, protect and observe your cloud native applications

VMware Tanzu Service Mesh provides consistent operations and security across the end-to-end application transaction—end users to services to data—on any platform or cloud. What’s more, you can simplify lifecycle management of all service meshes within your enterprise.

Automate running distributed apps

Enable app owners to automate networking, security and observation functions in distributed apps with complete transparency and no language limitations.

Get full-service visibility and control

Give operators the ability to quickly implement and modify the operational controls across services. No redeployments or code changes necessary.

Secure communications and data

Provide DevSecOps with the granular authorization and encryption features to secure communications and protect data in transit.

Why Tanzu Service Mesh?

Solve the common issues in cloud native networking and security in one powerful platform.

Application Continuity

Ensure application continuity with load balancer integration to support multi-zone and multi-region high availability and disaster recovery

Application Resiliency

Ensure application resiliency with automated autoscaling policies to deliver on Service-Level Objectives (SLOs) for multi-cloud applications

Application Security

Secure applications and data by defining traffic encryption and attribute-based authorization policies for application-level security control

Apply consistent traffic routing, application resiliency, and security policies for your apps across clouds

Tanzu Service Mesh

What are the key benefits of Tanzu Service Mesh?

  • Multi-Cluster, Multi Data Center, Multi-Cloud, and Multi Workload Ready - Tanzu Service Mesh provides service mesh capabilities across Tanzu and 3rd party Kubernetes providers.
  • TSM provides security capabilities to applications including: service discovery and naming (DNS) across clusters, traffic routing, global identity and certificate management, security policies, SLO and resiliency policies, monitoring and observability, and audit history and continuous proof of compliance.
  • TSM provides centralized traffic management, resiliency, and security policies across different clouds, application platforms, and heterogeneous workloads (K8s, VMs, Serverless functions).
  • TSM offers complete observability and control for microservices, APIs, and the underlying K8s environment (clusters and nodes).


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